From Breakups to Breakthroughs with

Tona Gomez

What if I told you, that relationships and dating is hard. That you're either born lucky in love, or you're not. That only a select few get to manifest that perfect someone. That you're either destined to find someone, or destined to be alone - repeating self-sabotaging patterns, hard breakups and toxic relationship experiences.

That's what I believed, and experienced, for longer than I'd like to admit. Then something clicked, and everything changed.

I went from self-conscious to self-confident.

From feeling hopeless and depressed to excited and happy.

From stuck and struggling in love and relationships, to successful and thriving.

I once believed healthy satisfying relationships weren't for me.

I was wrong. I found what I was looking for - and I know the path that helped me get there. The same path, I know will also help you.

I'm here to help.

Relationship and Love Breakthrough Specialist

From Breakup to Breakthroughs

I help men and women overcome their struggles in dating, partner attraction, bad relationship patterns and painful breakup so they can experience a thriving love life.

Body Image and Self-Confidence

Low Confidence No More

My journey of transformation led me to understand the debilitating impact of low confidence and self-worth on all aspects of reality from love and relationships to career and physical health. I have the tools and trainings to help you radically transform the way you feel on the inside so you can radically transform what you experience on the outside.

The Total Transformation Package

The 6 Month Makeover

Another bad breakup left me feeling heartbroken and hopeless. But little did I know it led me down a path of mental, physical and spiritual transformation that didn't only transform me to my core, it transformed the entire world around me.

In this 6-month life changing program we'll go deep and address your love, relationships and attraction blocks. We'll explore self-worth, body confidence and other mindset issues.

The end result? A brand new you living a brand new reality.

Your Guide to Total Transformation

About Tona

Life Changing Shifts

Tona has seen dozens of clients overcome incredible obstacles in relationship attraction, physical health and body image as well as general well being and happiness. His comprehension of the dynamic between the inner mind and the outer results has made success an effortless result to those who work with him.

Ever Expanding

He's read hundreds of books on self help, spirituality, productivity, health, fitness, romance and seduction. After learning and practicing the fundamental laws of reality, Tona has learnt to live life in balance with them, allowing him to run his own thriving coaching business, date amazing quality women, create a deep loving and thriving relationship as well as create the body he could only dream of before. Tona avidly shares these teachings with his clients and has seen how their success skyrockets.

Here for You

Tona has coached men and women helping them achieve the body they desired with ease as well as guided over 70 people in over 10 different countries shift their limiting beliefs and create the reality they desire.

Take Your First Step.

I believe in you - and here to help.

Book a Gift Call

Each month I donate a bit of time to those who need help. In your gift call I'll take you through a powerful process to identify your top blocks to success in the areas of love and relationships, self-worth and confidence. These calls are completely free, no strings attached and guaranteed to be eye opening.

Breakthrough Video Series

Not quite ready for a gift call? No problem, fill out the form below and you'll get instant access to my new Relationship Breakthrough video series.


What People are Saying

“Freaking AMAZING!!! ”

Tona is freaking AMAZING!!! From the moment I met him I felt comfortable and safe! He has such a genuine, authentic, loving vibe! We cleared years of old, heavy beliefs in just 3 sessions! After every single session I felt such unconditional love, pure positive energy and a strong connection to my own inner being! He has such a beautiful gift to uplift, to bring clarity and helped me to release the crap that has been holding my cork under! He helped me shift old beliefs that just weren't serving me! I am happy to recommend Tona as his knowledge, personality and presence have brought me so much clarity and self love!!!!

“Tona is so amazing”

From just one session he helped me to identify the underlying source of my limiting beliefs, in a gentle yet precise way. He makes you feel heard, safe and validated. I feel empowered and excited to go out in the world with confidence. Thank you Tona for an amazing time!

“Tona took me from fear to love”

He helped me clear “fear and frustration” so that I could operate in LOVE which is what I really want in my relationship. He helped me to see I can’t get to love from a place of fear. I had heard that many of times but he helped me to see it! A special thanks to Tona for doing an amazing job!

“Empowered and excited”

Tona is so amazing. From just one session he helped me to identify the underlying source of my limiting beliefs, in a gentle yet precise way. He makes you feel heard, safe and validated. I feel empowered and excited to go out in the world with confidence. Thank you Tona for an amazing time!

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